criminal law cases 2018 - An Overview

criminal law cases 2018 - An Overview

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لاہور ہائیکورٹ نے قرار دیا ہے کہ پاکستان میں لوگوں کو جھوٹے مقدمات میں ملوث کر دینے کی شکایت عام ہے عدالت نے حکم جاری کیا ہے................

93 . Const. P. 642/2023 (D.B.) Fatima Noor V/S Dow University of Health Science and Others Sindh High Court, Karachi Coming to the main case, it is also a well-established proposition of law that when an inquiry is conducted on charges of misconduct by a public servant, the Court is concerned with determining whether the inquiry was held by a competent officer or whether rules of natural justice are complied with. Whether the findings or conclusions are based on some evidence, the authority entrusted with the power to hold inquiry has jurisdiction, power, and authority to achieve a finding of fact or conclusion. But that finding must be based on some evidence. Neither the technical rules nor proof of the fact or evidence inside the Stricto-Sensu, utilize to disciplinary proceedings. When the authority accepts that evidence and conclusion receive support therefrom, the disciplinary authority is entitled to hold that the delinquent officer is guilty on the charge, however, that is topic into the procedure provided under the relevant rules rather than otherwise, for the reason that the Court in its power of judicial review does not act as appellate authority to re-value the evidence and to reach at its independent findings about the evidence.

four.       Record shows that the petitioner is booked in as much as eight criminal cases under the same offence with different complainants and involving sizable amounts of money. These cases span over the years 2018 to 2020 and three cases have been registered after the registration of the moment case. While the petitioner has obtained bail in those cases, it does, prima facie, build that the petitioner is at risk of repeating the offence.

Usually, the burden rests with litigants to appeal rulings (like All those in very clear violation of established case legislation) on the higher courts. If a judge acts against precedent, as well as the case just isn't appealed, the decision will stand.

criminal revision application is dismissed. reduced on the period of his detention in jail he has already undergone(Criminal Revision )

Reasonable grounds can be obtained within the record to connect the petitioner with the commission on the alleged offence. Even though punishment in the alleged offence does not tumble while in the prohibitory clause of Section 497, Cr.P.C. nevertheless realized Deputy Prosecutor General apprises that another case of similar nature arising out of FIR No. 1250/2024 dated ten.05.2024 registered under Section 489-File, PPC at Police Station Haji Pura, District Sialkot is from the credit from the petitioner as accused, therefore, case with the petitioner falls in the exception where bail cannot be granted even within the cases not falling within the ambit of prohibition contained in Section 497, Cr.P.C. In this regard, advice has been sought from the case of “Muhammad Imran versus The State and others” (PLD 2021 Supreme Court 903); relevant portion in the same is hereby reproduced:

73 . Const. P. 288/2024 (D.B.) Engro Fertilizers Limited through Asad Shakil Khan V/S Full Bench of NIRC & others Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur Bearing on the second issue of non-service of grievance notice. Under Section 33 in the Industrial Relations Ac1,2012 (lRA 2012), ifa grievance notice will not be served, the grievance petition is usually dismissed. This is because service from the grievance notice is really a mandatory prerequisite and also a precondition for filing a grievance petition. The law calls for that a grievance notice be served about the employer before filing a grievance petition. This allows the employer to reply to the grievance and attempt to resolve it amicably. If the employer fails to respond or resolve the grievance, the employee can then file a grievance petition with the National Industrial Relations Commission CNIRC) In case the organization is transprovincial.

six.  Mere involvement within a heinous offence is not any ground for refusing bail to an accused who otherwise becomes entitled with the concession of bail. The petitioner namely Bhoora was arrested in this case on 08.05.2018, due to the fact then he is driving the bars, he is previous non-convict, never involved in any case, investigation qua him is complete, his person isn't any more needed for further investigation, therefore, his ongoing incarceration would not serve any beneficial purpose at this stage.

department concerned shall present more info the complete set of ACRs from the concerned officer to DPC perfectly in advance cases for promotin(Promotion)

The legislation of necessity identified and upheld by Pakistan's highest judicial body has proved an honorable protection for military adventure in civil absolutely was the illegal action called law of necessity..

The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is definitely the most severe form of punishment for murder under Section 302. It involves the execution on the convicted person for a consequence of their crime.

Regardless of its popularity, not many could pay attention to its intricacies. This article is really an attempt to highlight the flaws of this section plus the particularly reduced threshold that governs it.

However, it’s essential to note that the application of the death penalty is subject matter to several legal safeguards and because of process to be sure fair trials.

The necessary analysis (called ratio decidendi), then constitutes a precedent binding on other courts; further analyses not strictly necessary on the determination from the current case are called obiter dicta, which constitute persuasive authority but aren't technically binding. By contrast, decisions in civil regulation jurisdictions are generally shorter, referring only to statutes.[4]

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